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Growing Zones 9 - 11
Imagine this beaut(ies) lining the long drive leading up to the house.
In the right conditions and when planted with ample space, you can enjoy a tree that grows over 100 feet! Note that this tree will have sprawling roots, so it’s important to plant these trees in wide-open spaces, away from sidewalks, driveways or foundations. For this reason, rainbow eucalyptus trees are perfect for providing shade in otherwise sun-drenched fields and along nature paths.
And we saved the best feature of the rainbow eucalyptus for last – its stunningly attractive appearance! Vibrant colors are revealed in the trunk of these trees when the bark pulls away from its trunk at various times throughout the year. A palette of eye-catching colors appears on the tree’s trunk in streaks of rich red, orange, green, gray, and purple. Beyond this impressive display of Mother Nature’s artistic flair, the Rainbow Eucalyptus can also boast delicate clusters of white flowers in spring, depending on where it's planted.
A rainy, warm, wet climate is best for your Rainbow Eucalyptus. Be sure you plant your tree in a frost-free environment.